
Buyer Info, Tips and Tricks January Gardening Tips: Preparing for a Flourishing Year Ahead January is an opportune time for garden enthusiasts to lay the groundwork for a successful year of growth and beauty. While winter may have its grip on the outdoors, January is a pivotal month for gardeners to plan and prepare for the upcoming seasons. Here are some invaluable gardening tips tailored for this time of […]
Buyer Info, Tips and Tricks Where Does the Money Come From for Mortgage Loans? In the olden days, when someone wanted a home loan they walked downtown to the neighborhood bank or savings & loan. If the bank had extra funds lying around and considered you a good credit risk, they would lend you the money from their own funds. It doesn’t generally work like that anymore. Most of […]
Uncategorized Items You Need When Applying For a Loan Have These Items Ready When You Apply For a Loan It used to be that lenders mailed out verifications to employers, banks, mortgage companies, and so on, in order to verify the data supplied by borrowers. Nowadays, the interest is often in speed and getting answers quickly so alternate documentation has become more widely used. […]
Uncategorized A Recipe for You: The Perfect Jar Lunch Packing a lunch can be an arduous process. Salads are a simple, healthy option, but can be a pain to keep fresh if you pack them the night before. So, what’s the solution? Break out the mason jar for the perfect packed lunch! All you have to do is follow these easy steps. Layer 1: The […]
Uncategorized Home Selling Tips for Pet Owners There’s no doubt pets play an important role in our homes. They wait for us to come home after a long day, they protect our property, and they are there to comfort us when things go wrong. Use these tips to ensure that you can enjoy your pet and sell your home at the same […]
Uncategorized Check Yourself: 8 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Tackle in March If the sight of the mercury creeping upward fills you with spring fever, we’re with you. We, too, are restless for the toastier and longer days that are just around the corner. But before you can kick back on a balmy evening with a crisp glass of rosé or a cool IPA, you’ve got to […]
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